Chojnów / Konstancin-Jeziorna
The Chojnowski Landscape Park covers almost 6,800 hectares of nature reserves. It is a guarantee that in the future no large estates or other facilities that could disturb the peace of this place will be built here.
Here life is more calm, but still there are plenty of attractions: Stable Chojnów invites you to horse riding, La Boheme restaurant – for romantic dinner. In addition, it is worth taking advantage of the beneficial effects of brine graduation towers in Konstancin and work on good physical condition at the Training and Rehabilitation Center (CKiR). For shopping in a nice atmosphere, drop by to Stara Papiernia shopping center. The kindergarten in Warecka 6 and Commune Primary School No. 2 and School Complex No. 2 (middle school) enjoy a good opinion. Residents of the Chojnów Residences can also take full advantage of all the assets of a big city.